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EN590 ( Gasoil , 10ppm )

Commodity: EN590

Documents : khazakhstan documents

Quantity: 50,000 MT

Incoterms: CIF ( Mersin Port , Turkey )

Price : $590 ( $585 + $5 commission )

Payment: SBLC or DLC ( in discharge port)

Delivery: 5 days after signing contract


1) Buyer issue Request for Quote (RFQ)
2) Seller Issues Sale & Purchase Agreement (SPA)
3) Upon signing SPA , The Seller will be committed to his compliance based on:
• Export Licence
• Product Passport
• Product Availability
• Commitment to Supply
4) Buyer, shall within 3 to 4 working days upon signing the SPA, issue a Documentary 100%
Irrevocable Letter of Credit MT700 (“DLC”) for the full contractual amount of the shipment of SPA
with DLC MT700 verbiage to Seller’s designated fiduciary bank account as payment guarantee.
5) Upon receipt of the DLC and within 2 working days, Seller shall commence the offloading of the
product to the designated shipping cargo.
6) Upon 120 Hrs prior to reaching the designated port, Seller shall provide the following
documents to the Buyer:
• Certificate of Origin
• Cargo Manifest
• Vessel Q88
• Bill of Lading
7) Unless there is official evidence proven to the contrary of the authenticity of the content of the
given document at step 4 , Seller shall cooperate with Buyer for maritime filing and pre-customs
reporting. Upon completion of maritime filing and approval for inbound operation, Seller shall
instruct the vessel to berth in the discharge terminal designated by Buyer.
8) Buyer shall arrange SGS inspection at his own cost upon arrival of the vessel to the designated
discharge port. After confirmation of the quality and quantity of the product by SGS inspection,
Buyer shall within 1 banking day from the issuance of the SGS inspection report pay the full value of
the product to be lifted in USD dollars, by MT103/TT to Seller’s designated bank account.
9) Buyer shall complete discharge within 3 days after issuance of the SGS inspection report, failure
of which Buyer shall be responsible for all the demurrage cost.
10) Seller shall issue the title of ownership certificate and provide a full set of export
documentation to the Buyer upon receipt of the full payment of the commodity to be lifted

For more negotiations please contact us by WhatsApp on this number:
Or send your inquiry to this email address:

Best regards

The CEO of Petro.Armina.Energy Company (P.A.E.C)
Ehsanallah. Mohammadi


Date of issuance:
07 November 2022

14 November 2022

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